Nail fungus can significantly impair the quality of life of the people. The disease causes severe itching, and a burning sensation in the affected place, and even loss of the nail. Therefore, the resources of the fungus of the nails of the feet (the hands), it should be used immediately after the discovery of the problem. Thus, it is possible to achieve an effective treatment.

Is that the right choice is not always easy. Many people who are faced with a fungus for the first time, to show, negligence on the part of, and is used as one of the little-tested folk remedies.
Important: For the treatment of nail fungus, it is necessary that you contact the clinic. The doctor involved in the treatment of a fungal disease, which is called a mycologist. In the absence of such an expert, you should consult with a dermatologist.
Indeed an effective remedy for nail fungus may be prescribed only by a doctor. Thus, it is unlikely that it will get rid of the problem greatly increased. However, there are a number of tried and tested techniques to ensure the elimination of nail fungus in a very short period of time. This is true not only in medicine but also traditional medicine.
The medicine from a nail fungus treatment
The drugs used to be the most efficient way for the fungi. The composition of the medicinal product containing the optimum amounts of the compounds which impact on pathogen right. In addition to this, it is best to seek the help of a professional health care facilities, which are guaranteed to help, and certainly doesn't hurt.
The assets of the fungi have a number of dosage forms. Among them are:
- Spray.
- Cream.
- To the Gel.
- Solution for you.
The main component of which operates a number of medium — terbinafine. The substance that accumulates in the tissues and to prevent the restart of the fungus.
The medicine should not be used in lactating and pregnant women and children under 2. years of age, and to people who are suffering due to the high sensitivity of certain components of the tool. Apply the product you need on the pre-washed and dried the nail plate. Usually, after 3-5 weeks, and the nails of the plate cease to delaminate and has a healthy appearance and structure. A number of versions of the resources referred to in the fungi, allowing them to be used effectively at any stage of the fungal infection. All of the featured products are designed to be used outdoors. However, in a variety of dosage forms, it has its own drawbacks. Thus, the use of the product on its own, without a physician appointment is not secure. Also, the use of wrong dosage form, it may simply not produce the desired effect, and treatment will continue to be. In the early stages of a fungal infection of the nails is often assigned cream. And the tablet is used in combination with one of the local dosage forms of drugs in the more severe cases of the disease. With caution the drug is prescribed to patients suffering from alcoholism, a disease of the liver, and the kidneys, and allergic reactions. This is the reason why before you begin treatment, it is best to consult a dermatologist and get advice.

Prior to the application of the assets of the nail and the skin, you should thoroughly wash and drain. Most often, the treatment may take up to 2 up to 4 months. This will depend on the severity of the disease, and the duration of the re-growth of the nail plate.
The top of the best folk remedies for nail fungus
In the early stages of the development of the fungal infection does not always require treatment. Sometimes, to deal with them, and with the use of time-tested folk remedies. This type of treatment is considered to be safe for the health of the people. In parallel, they show clearly the effect of the treatment is, of course, with the appropriate application.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a strong natural antiseptic that has the ability to fight off fungal pathogens. The most efficient use of this natural oil, it has excellent anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. As for cosmetics, the oil (40%), it has no effect. With the use of a cheap analog, you'll only be wasting precious time, allowing the disease to spread even more.
The treatment with the tea tree oil is as follows:
- First of all, you need to get rid of excessive sweating and the cleaning of the shoes in General. To do this, you need to prepare warm water and add a few drops of oil. The feet should be carefully washed, special attention should be paid to the fingers and nails. Don't skip all of the the surface of the skin during the cleansing process.
- The legs should be well dried with a clean towel. Next, you'll need to use the current oil, for all of the affected nail and gently RUB it. Wait until the car is completely dry. In the meantime, don't do any action, let the feet "breathe." For the better performance, the oil should be applied on the skin around the nail.
The process of using the tea tree oil is very simple, but it requires regularity. The tool should be applied 2 times a day for two months. After each scrub, oil foot, to make sure that the steam of the warm water with the addition of the substance.
Vinegar, garlic, peroxide is a cheap home treatment options
For the treatment of nail fungus is the most commonly used Apple cider vinegar. We all know that this is a solution that is completely disinfects and kills bacteria. Thus, for the implementation of the treatment, with this great success, however, it is necessary to know some subtleties of its use, as follows:

- The vinegar needs to be natural;
- Vinegar is not used in the treatment of fungus in a pure form, should be diluted;
- if you have too much of a sensitive skin or you are prone to allergic reactions, then the use should be abandoned.
Most of the good result of the vinegar makes the following changes:
- Baths — for making 2-4 cups of vinegar to be diluted in warm water. The process is a process that takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete. This should be done at least 2 times a day for two weeks. In the future, the procedure is repeated 1 to 3 times a day until complete recovery.
- Lotion — lint-free cotton cloth or a sponge dampened in a solution of vinegar (1:2 ratio) and applied to the affected nail. This is the type of pack, the need to repair and maintain the order of 20 to 30 minutes to complete.
- Cream show good results, when integrated with the use of other tools. For production you need to take olive oil, glycerin, and dimethylphthalate, and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The ingredients you need to mix thoroughly. If you want to use this ointment for fungus treatment 2 times a day until the complete redemption.
Garlic — a very specific treatment for the fungus, which is suitable not for everyone and not for everyone. The best help the gruel prepared from the garlic. It is to be applied to the affected nail and wrap tightly with plastic for 1-2 hours. However, this means quite often the causes of fires and the cause of the redness on sensitive skin. To get rid of nail fungus if you use this method of treatment may be for a two (2) months.
The treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide is an affordable method, which, unfortunately, do not always produce tangible results. This method of treatment is the most preferred in the early stages of the disease. The peroxide, he was sure, that the effect of the legs, which should be a good pre-extraction with hot water, with the addition of soda (1 liter of 1 teaspoon of material. In the future, each of the affected nails should be handled with care peroxide. Repeat this procedure at least 2-3 times a day. It should be noted that for best results, this method produces, together with other methods of treatment.
The resin, apricot
There are not many people who know that a note of apricot, it has a real useful and healing properties. The most common is that this is a substance that is found in areas of damaged bark, it accumulates and hardens in the form of small transparent drops of amber. Gums, erection, carefully cut with a knife.
The resin in the fine treatment of the fungus, if it is correct to use it. 1 tablespoon of a substance that may persist into the 250 ml. vodka for 3 days. The resulting tool, which is used for the lubrication of the dogs that have been affected.
Strong coffee

It has great healing properties. For the treatment of a fungus it will just fit to the right of the grains of the coffee. A soluble version of this drink for cleaning it is not recommended. To show a better performance of the bath with a basis of coffee.
The ground coffee beans have to brew up a strong game. Let the water cool a bit and dip your feet in the resulting solution. * The trial must be 10 to 15 minutes to complete. The leg after the procedure, wipe it off and now it is time for a complete absorption of the fluid and its dry. This is the treatment for at least 1 hour a day.
Lotion procaine
Allows you to stop the spread of athlete's foot in the early stages. For the treatment enough to purchase novocaine in the drugstore, and use it as a lotion on the affected area of the nail. A series of operations, which makes it possible to get rid of the disease completely.
Be effective only in the initial stages of a fungal infection. Iodine is necessary for the spread of the affected nail plate. Too carried away it's not worth it, because this tool is destructive, so it is a condition of the skin. The adjacent soils, it is recommended that you lubricate with petroleum jelly to prevent irritation.
The juice of celandine is a harsh substance that can literally burn out the fungus. You need to make use of the new plant, by brushing the nails with hydrogen peroxide. If you're afraid of burns, we recommend the use of oil of celandine, which it is possible to buy it in any pharmacy item.
Tricks to winning the battle against a fungus of the nail,
To overcome the fungus quickly and effectively, you will need to know a few simple but very important rules:
- The washing of the feet. Before you apply to the affected nail medicament, the feet should be carefully washed with warm water and soap. Next, you need to steam the foot with the affected nail in warm water for 5-7 minutes. This will allow health care facilities to penetrate into the steaming fabric as deep as possible. The main thing to remember is that the steam foot in hot water, it is contraindicated in hypotension, varicose veins, and high temperature.
- To care for your nails. It is very important to you, how do expect the nails to grow. As soon as the nail plate will grow, will have to be cut down. Thus, it is possible to ensure the maximum access of the drug to the damaged by fungus tissues.
- The treatment of the skin. Processing of the request, not just the nail, but the soft tissue that is located around the. The treatment shall extend to 1 inch around the nail. The use of the medication, it should be carefully spread all of the hard to reach places.
- Timely access to the health care provider. In particularly complex cases, when the fungus comes back again, you should consult with a health care provider. Unfortunately, for the cure of this disease it is not always possible for yourself. In addition, some types of medications may simply not be appropriate, and to choose the right drug quite difficult for you.
- Taking care of the tools. This is a manicure or pedicure, as well as the cutting off of the diseased nail, it is necessary to use the sterilized instruments. These tools must be treated with an antiseptic 'before' and 'after' of the procedure in question. In addition, nail clippers, tweezers and a nail file, which is a concern for the illness of the nails, you have to keep strictly away from any other manicure tools.

With the help of these simple rules, you can cure nail fungus a lot faster.